We add a few photos in our galleries (Autumn 2017)
We add a few photos in our galleries (Autumn 2017)
Our Marsala got 3xGold, 3xCAC, 2xCACIB, 2xBOS, 1xResCACIB
Marsala Eminentia Canis got gold and CWC in intermediate class
Our Marsala got gold, CWC and titles: The Best Female in Breed, Best of Breed.
At the XXVI International Dog Show in Sopot our Denzel got gold and titles: Veteran WInner, the Best Veteran in Breed. He got 4 place at BIS Veteran. Today Denzel said goodbye to the Dog Shows. He is Polish Champion Veteran. We are very happy!!!
Our Mł.Ch.Pl., Ch.Pl, Y. Winner of Poland, Y. Club Winner. got gold and titles: Veteran Winner and the Best Veteran in Breed. He finished his Veteran Champion of Poland.We are very happy!!!
Our Y.Ch.Pl., Ch.Pl., Youth Club Winner 2010, Youth Winner of Poland 2010 KENNEDY Berneńskie Ranczo got 1 place in Veteran Class. Additionally he got titles: The Best Veteran in Breed, Best of Breed. And at Veteran Best in Show he got 2nd place.
Our KENNEDY Berneńskie Ranczo in Veteran Class got 1st place and titles: the Best of Opposite Sex, the Best Veteran in Breed. At the final competition (BIS Veteran) got 3rd place.
Our Marsala got gold, Youth Winner in Youth Class. Additionaly she got titltes: Best Junior in Breed, Best of Breed, BOG VIII – 2nd place. Today she finished her title Youth Champion of Poland.
Our Marsala got: gold, Youth Winner, BJinB, BOB, BIS Junior – 4 place, BOG VIII – 3 place